제목 스티브잡스가 직원들에게 보낸 편지원문
DATE : 2008.08.08

Steve Jobs on MobileMe: the full e-mail

By Jacqui Cheng | Published: August 05, 2008 - 01:52PM CT

Painting by Nitrozac
at Joy of Tech

Ever since our report last night on an internal e-mail sent by Steve Jobs about the botched launch of MobileMe, we have received an outpouring of requests for the full text of the e-mail. Although we originally weren't comfortable publishing the entire thing, it is now slowly becoming available in its full form across the Internet. Because of this, we made an editorial decision to give into your requests and publish the text for your reading pleasure. Here it is.


The launch of MobileMe was not our finest hour.  There are several things we could have done better:

? MobileMe was simply not up to Apple's standards ? it clearly needed more time and testing.

? Rather than launch MobileMe as a monolithic service, we could have launched over-the-air syncing with iPhone to begin with, followed by the web applications one by one ? Mail first, followed 30 days later (if things went well with Mail) by Calendar, then 30 days later by Contacts.

? It was a mistake to launch MobileMe at the same time as iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software and the App Store.  We all had more than enough to do, and MobileMe could have been delayed without consequence.

We are taking many steps to learn from this experience so that we can grow MobileMe into a service that our customers will love.  One step that I can share with you today is that the MobileMe team will now report to Eddy Cue, who will lead all of our internet services ? iTunes, the App Store and, starting today, MobileMe.  Eddy's new title will be Vice President, Internet Services and he will now report directly to me.

The MobileMe launch clearly demonstrates that we have more to learn about Internet services.  And learn we will.  The vision of MobileMe is both exciting and ambitious, and we will press on to make it a service we are all proud of by the end of this year.


The e-mail was sent at approximately 4 PM Pacific Time on Monday. 

Mobile me의 실수를 인정한다는 내용의 메일인데, 자신의 실수를 분석적으로 정확하게 인정하는 잡스, 정말 멋있다!
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